To make healing accessible to everyone, everywhere, no matter what.
Evolution Engineered, Inc., an executive coaching and consulting firm that helps individuals, families, and organizations heal and evolve beyond trauma.
We provides therapeutic coaching services to individuals, couples, and families who are ready to take their healing journey to the next level, as well as consulting and executive coaching services to organizations who want to improve employee wellbeing to improve organizational health and effectiveness.

sage |ˈsāj |
My healing gift was born from the profound wisdom of my own childhood trauma. I grew up under clouds of sulfur from steel mills, amidst water polluted by landfills in Braddock, PA.
I grew up in that darkness, and while that truth used to fill me with shame, I now realize it made me a Healer! My childhood experiences led me to my sacred mission: to help you transform your trauma as I did, and guide you to your Light!
